Judy Berry
13 days ago
Praying for all the victims - people and creatures -whose homes have been destroyed, but especially for those who have lost loved ones!
Judy Berry
5 months ago (E)
Wow! Didn't realize that in 2022 NC's trucking industry moved 478 million tons of freight and by 2050 it is "expected to increase 64% by weight and 97% by value." Also, "85% of communities in NC are solely reliable on trucking for getting their goods" and most of the freight by ton is done by a truck. This info was printed in a magazine entitled NC BUSINESS and the article is titled "Making Sure Stuff Gets Delivered." It also talks about the importance of air transport in NC. with the state having "17 airports with cargo activity." Of course, railways are not to be outdone since the state has "the largest consolidated rail system in the nation" with 3200 miles of track allowing for shipments to 22 states. This means, of course, that transportation is vital to NC's economy. What is also astounding to me is that in the future drones may fly people around since that is already happening on a trial basis according to this article!
Judy Berry
6 months ago (E)
Just read where Goebbels who was Hitler's propaganda minister and a main supporter once said, “The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction.” Is that what is happening in America right now? Also, people in America seem to be clueless about what is really happening right now. I believe that, to a large degree, it is because we are bombarded with propaganda and falsehoods that are believed to be true!
Judy Berry
6 months ago
Just got home from church and ate a bite. Speaking of church, and since I am a Methodist, it will really be interesting to see what happens at the big conference occurring in Charlotte this week. The officials or hierarchy only convene every 4 years and this year is especially significant since several important things will be voted on - one of which will be the rights of LGBTQ+(ers). Already in the US, a quarter of the churches have left the UMC over the proposal to allow gays, etc. to become pastors.
Judy Berry
8 months ago
Glad to hear that North Carolina's own chairman of the Republican Party Whatley and Lara Trump, Trump's daughter-in-law, will be leading the Republican National Committee in Trump's run for the Presidency. The present chair person is stepping down. They also will engage in ballot collecting or harvesting this time round which the Dems have been doing previously but the Republicans had refrained from. Hopefully, it will be more of an even playing field this time!
Judy Berry
8 months ago
"The crown jewel of the $270 million project is a 5,000-square-foot underground shelter with 'its own energy and food supplies' and 'what appears to be a blast-resistant door.' ” This is a quote from Newsmax regarding Mark Zuckerburg's recent groundbreaking of the property he purchased in Hawaii. Makes one wonder what he is preparing for and why.
Judy Berry
8 months ago
I just posted my short letter on AFR.net (American Family Radio) to persecuted Christians in Russia. It was so easy to do and I am hoping that it may help someone who may need a word of encouragement because we can all use that during difficult times in our lives. Remember you can also do this during Feb.12-16, 2024. So get involved!!
Judy Berry
8 months ago
"I'm on the field to glorify HIM (God)," a recent statement made by Kansas City Chiefs' quarterback, Patrick MaHomes, made me realize that there is still hope for America! For a young man who is recognized the world over for his talent on the football field - given that he has now led his team to victory in the last two Super Bowls -- makes me feel really good. This twenty-eight-year-old man has really demonstrated to the world his love for and belief in God. What better stage could there have been!!! The Super Bowl is broadcast in over 130 countries and and 30 languages and is the most watched tv broadcast in the US every year. It is estimated that there were approximately 115 million viewers Sunday. What a powerful witness!!!
Judy Berry
9 months ago (E)
If you wish to help support persecuted Christians in Russia, you can help by participating in a letter writing effort that asks you to electronically submit an encouraging note to remind these people that they are not forgotten. This can be done through the American Family Association. Just visit afr.net during February 12-16. Pray over your letter and encourage your friends to participate.
Judy Berry
9 months ago
Also, remember that early voting begins in NC on February 15
Judy Berry
9 months ago
A voter’s guide to check out is the following: ivoterguide.com
Judy Berry
9 months ago
Seems that Trump is on a roll so far with the early primaries and caucuses. Haley doesn’t seem to be a challenge at all. President Biden seems to be more and more demonstrating his inability to speak coherently further indicating a mind beset with dementia. However, sadly the Left will do anything in its power to see Trump does not go into the White House ever again!!!
Judy Berry
9 months ago (E)
Just read recently in the IMPRIMIS newsletter an article by Rand Paul in which he reveals that Fauci doubled his net worth during the pandemic to 12.5 million dollars and that he didn’t have to reveal to Congress the amount of royalties he received from drug companies! At that time he was the highest
paid employee of the federal government!! Simply APPALLING!!!
Judy Berry
9 months ago
What a shame that some of the media such as CNN and MSNBC refused to air Trump’s speech after his dynamic win at the Iowa caucus. Will be interesting to see who comes out on top in NH. A whole different segment of America will be involved.
Judy Berry
10 months ago
Lots of rain today and had some leakage into our basement but so far have dodged the bullet. Just hope we don’t get any high winds tonight. Still wonder why school was closed. Don’t think it would have been closed when I was growing up due to a possible threat of bad weather. I know people’s safety comes first but I am still surprised since I never saw or heard these dire predictions on my phone weather app. Today’s people seem to be soft. Even my generation is softer than the ones before me!
Judy Berry
10 months ago
Am enjoying the new changes to Seekly. The links to this and other sites is really neat!
Judy Berry
10 months ago
Just read the Supreme Court is planning to hear the case that will decide Trump’s fate regarding his being on the 2024 Presidential ballot this fall. Will be interesting to learn the result of the ruling.
Judy Berry
10 months ago
A cold dreary Saturday morning here. Maybe some sunshine later today. Already tired of this cold weather and ready for spring. Guess I’ll do some reading and working on the laptop today. Still working on typing up some info on my great grandfather to add to the book I have of my family’s ancestry. My book is already filled with lots of info and pictures from long ago. The good Lord willing I hope to pass this on to our daughter and nephew.
Judy Berry
10 months ago
Just read today on Newsmax that Zuckerburg is planning a huge bunker in Hawaii that houses 30 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms with a blast-proof door. Makes one wonder if this is some type of doomsday planning on his part!!!!
Judy Berry
10 months ago
In an attempt to curtail the world's ever-growing population, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the UN have pledged to do just that by destroying family farms across the world. Such evidence can be seen in the Netherlands where many farmers are no longer able to farm due to newly created laws. What is so incredible is that this small country exports 50% of its product to the European Union. The subsequent result along with similar plans in other nations across the world will surely result in a world-wide famine. Already in this country Biden has a plan to get rid of 30% of American farms by 2030 supposedly due to the methane gas emitted into the air due to animal feces. This insane plan will certainly come to fruition unless the good Lord intervenes . Obviously the goal is to place power into the hands of the elite who deem themselves the saviors of the world. God help us!
Judy Berry
10 months ago
I seem to be able to do it on my phone, however!!
Judy Berry
10 months ago
Trying to access the site on my laptop and having difficulty!
Judy Berry
1 yr. ago
Just lost everything I just typed. What an exasperating thing to happen! So I will just say very quickly that I have been so busy this summer with gardening and canning and freezing veggies that I haven't had the time to spend on this site. Perhaps now I can hopefully be on here more frequently. Also, I have had several close family members to have health issues. Just have to pray all goes better for each of them. To top everything off, we caught a young skunk in a live trap. Noticed it this morning. Can't get anyone to come out and help there. Tried calling the county animal control, which I soon learned does not come out for wild animals. In addition, I called a couple other private companies that also deal in this type thing but they are too far away to send someone, or they are covered up or simply too expensive. SO what does one do?? Call Ghost Busters, I guess!!!!
Judy Berry
1 yr. ago
Was watching a video provided by THE EPOCH TIMES about our power grid. Very worrisome! The major transformers used are made in China and that could be a real problem. Would be easy to take our grid down if that country decided to send us defective ones. That would put America in the dark- causing widespread blackouts. It used to take a year to get one from there but now it takes 4 years by the time it is ordered and delivered. During the Trump era he signed an executive order protecting the grid but as soon as Biden came into office he ended that order for 90 days. Why - I don't know. Doesn't make sense - not logical to endanger this country. When a major transformer was hit by lightning back in 1977 in NJ it caused a major outage in NYC which resulted in millions of dollars of damage due to the escalation of crime. America is dead in the water without electricity!!!
Judy Berry
1 yr. ago
Today we had Homecoming at our small rural church - Friendship United Methodist in Connelly Springs, NC. It is probably the oldest church in Burke County having been established in 1792. It was such a wonderful event. There were a few people who returned that had attended the church in prior years. We have a very good minister Deval Mason who came to us about a year ago. As part of the service, tribute was made to the veterans who died fighting for this country. After the sermon a wonderful meal followed with a greal deal of delicious food and fine fellowship. It is so nice to be able to attend this small country church and be able to worship our God.
Judy Berry
1 yr. ago (E)
I finally was able to watch the video 2000 Mules so graciously provided free to us by Patriots Media who also developed this free site. I had heard of it about a year ago but didn't know how to go about accessing it. If you have not viewed it, you really should. It is quite an eye-opener about how the 2020 election was stolen. Please take the time to watch it! The link is provided to you on this site.
Judy Berry
1 yr. ago
Sadly another mass shooting occurred in Texas! So many innocent lives are being lost due to violence. Don't know why so many are occurring lately. Just seems to happen all too frequently. I think we should all get down on our knees and pray the good Lord turns this country around before it is too late!
Judy Berry
1 yr. ago
Well, I am sitting here not really knowing what to post today. Been kind of a down morning since I can't seem to get some questions answered. Been on a website and on the phone, but no one seems to be able to give me any answers. Anyway, got some plants out yesterday in the garden before the rain started. Thankful for that! I really should be thankful for many things and all the blessings I have. Also, I should rely on God and not myself so much. There are just some things we can't handle alone even though we try. Guess I should get out the GOOD BOOK more often and read in it!
Judy Berry
2 yr. ago
In regards to my most recent post, I am currently watching a video produced by THE EPOCH TIMES that discusses the dangers of biotechnology in that we tend to think that technology is progress and all progress is always positive and good for us. But is it really? Some people are beginning to worry that law and ethics is not keeping up with technology. As these advances are made, are we dooming homo sapiens (the human race) to extinction? The possibility alarmingly exists!!!
Judy Berry
2 yr. ago (E)
Well, it has been awhile since I last posted - couldn't wait to get back on here! I read some news put out by Hillsdale College that highlights the state of our healthcare system. Now, don't get me wrong - I am thankful to live in America where I have access to healthcare unlike many other nations. However, I realize that compared to other wealthy nations, we pay over twice the amount for this healthcare. The average a person here pays is over $12,000 a year, whereas a person in other wealthy nations pays half that. Another disturbing thing is that the clinical trials for medicines is overshadowed by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the drugs. One crazy example I read about is a drug brought to market for diabetes called Trulicity. Turns out that 327 people have to be treated for 3 years before 1 person is kept from having a non-fatal heart event. Now, if I were that person who benefited, I would be extremely grateful to the drug company. It seems, however, that the pharmaceutical companies influence the outcome of drug trials in order to be able to produce the product regardless if it really helps people. The bottom line is that the shareholders are more important than the consumers. To me, there should be more accountability. I don't mind companies making money - that is free enterprise. BUT, the drug being made and sold should really help people. Big pharma should not be the ones to police themselves! And one other thing, our life expectancy is