Well we had fun this Halloween - too bad very few came along
for Tricks and Treats. (Bummer)
But here is a video I shot on my phone on how we decorated this year.

Charles III crowned king l WNT
After attending his mother's coronation 70 years ago, King Charles III was coronated in his own right in a traditional ceremony with modern touches. WATCH FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS TONIGHT: https://abc.com/sho
https://playtubi.com/v/hDXWaJThis will probably be the trip of a lifetime for us, and we are excited to begin planning every detail! We are not going till 2024, so we have plenty of time to plan it carefully. ?
See his show!! Get your tickets to the JEFF DUNHAM: STILL NOT CANCELLED tour NOW!!!:
Watching the news unfold about Twitter reconsidering Elon Musks bid to buy Twitter just makes me ponder. I mean really!!! 43 Billion!??? ya, thats with a "B", Billion. You could build a few dozen social media sites with that kind of money! I believe Elon would do better to build his own, or simply support platforms that will support Free Speech, like YacYak, Gab or Parler.
I will always maintain the belief that free speech can only thrive if the platform DOESNT employ thousands to censor people. People know how to police themselves. Thats why we provide a "Report Post" feature, so users can flag posts for our review.
Speaking of Free Speech, do you remember the Larry Flynt case that was before the Supreme Court decades ago?
Larry Flynt was sued by Reverend Jerry Falwell in 1983 over an offensive parody in Hustler that depicted Falwell’s having a sexual encounter with his own mother in an out-house. Falwell, enraged by this depiction, sued Flynt for emotional distress. The Supreme Court ultimately sided with Larry Flynt, by stating public figures cannot seek retribution or recover damages for “intentional infliction of emotional distress” based on parodies or unrealistic depictions.
The point is unpopular speech is protected, and as much as the far left or the media hates it, its not misinformation as they like to call it.
People have a right to their own thoughts and opinions, and thats why YacYak was born, to help protect that God given right.
Keep on Yacking about the things you love America!
Speak Freely!
- Kevin
#FreeSpeech #ElonMusk

Shared post - Ep. 1736 Stunning Video Shows Why They’re Obsessed With Kids
These shocking video clips show why the left is obsessed with sexualizing your kids. In this episode, I address the scandal, along with new information in the Hunter Biden case.
The US National Debt has just crossed a new record, a whopping 30 Trillion dollars. Over the last few decades, our leaders have been recklessly spending your tax dollars, without any regard to the consequences of such actions, nor do they really care.
To give you a little perspective on the level of debt we are in ...
In 1980 the US National Debt was under 1 Trillion.
In 1990 the US National Debt was under 3 Trillion.
in 2000 the US National Debt was 5.7 Trillion.
in 2012 the US National Debt was 14.8 Trillion.
In 2022, just 10 years later, we have DOUBLED, our debt to over 30 Trillion.
To make matters even worse, the Biden Administration's agenda wants to pile on trillions more in additional spending.
Funny how the Liberals wrongfully changed the word conservative definition to mean; averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.
Conservatives are not bad people. There is nothing wrong with traditional values, like men are men, and woman are women. And with the same premise, there is nothing wrong with "conserving" tax dollars, paying our bills on time, getting out of debt, spend within our means, and having a budget. Bring those things up and the liberals go on the attack and pull the race card, scream that we need to accept change, and tell our children we got it all wrong.
We are well on the way of bankrupting this country, and we know who's perverted idea's and values got us here.
Does 30 Trillion in debt worry you? Get the facts at usdebtclock.org
Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg, two left-wing extremists along with five others planted a bomb outside the Senate chamber inside the U.S. Capitol, where it detonated causing massive damage in 1983. Today, Rosenberg is a board member of Thousand Currents, which is the California-based charity that manages fundraising operations for the national arm of Black Lives Matter.
Bill Clinton, on his last day as president, commuted the sentences of the violent pair, advocated by Democrat Jerry Nadler. Now in 2022, Jerry Nadler sits as House Judiciary Committee Chairman.
Let that sink in he's the chair of "Judiciary". Stunned yet? Then think about Defund the Police, Black Live's Matter, his buddy Adam Schiff, and how left-wing prosecutors are not prosecuting crimes.
I could go on and on, but if you can't see the corruption in all of this, you have to be blind or just plain stupid.
Wake up America!

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https://yardsale.bargainsI'm happy to announce the launch of Seekly.net.
With Big Tech always finding new ways to monetize everything we search and click I decided to create a site that protects you from just that. It's powered via Bing's API, but since all requests are served via Seekly, Bing doesn't get any tracking data, nor do we collect any of your data either, so you can browse completely anonymous. Give it a spin!

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Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, a US Marine infantry officer and former battalion commander who criticized his chain of command is now in the brig and accused of four offenses under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
It's no surprise that in the current climate, you can be thrown in the brig, if you dare speak the truth if your an officer in the United States Marine Corps. Fact is what he has said has been been uttered by many, if not millions of others, including myself, that it was a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield before we evacuate everyone else. We all know the whole operation was executed poorly, well everyone except the Joint Chiefs, and the Administration. This Officer has done nothing wrong except tell the truth! This is a disgrace and the American people need to raise their voices. Please Donate to this defense today at the following link.
Tax Payers to pay 200 Million to fund her favorite park??? Really? The spending never ends!
Do you make any money on the side? Have you ever not report small amounts. Got at least $600 in your bank account? Well, Biden’s Treasury Department has announced on Thursday, a new initiative tasking the federal government to audit virtually all financial transactions of Americans with bank accounts holding at least $600.
Simply put, the American Families Plan calls for banks and other financial institutions to report more than just a taxpayer’s interest earned, capital gains and losses. Banks and other financial institutions would also be required to report “aggregate account outflows and inflows.” In other words, the IRS will know about all of your bank accounts, whether you earned income on that account or not, how much is in the account in a given year, and how much was transferred in and out of the account.
These new powers include the "right" to continuously spy on Americans' checking accounts through forced reporting requirements from banks on all cash flows. They will also spy on Americans' PayPal accounts in the name of knowing whether they are reporting their petty side income. It's definitely a war on the little guy.
Can you say "invasive"? This is without doubt a direct violation of our 4th Amendment rights. Watch out sellers on Facebook Marketplace!!
It is a really pathetic pandemic where only 6% of deaths are due exclusively to COVID-19. Stack that up against the Spanish Flu, Black Plague, or how about HIV/AIDS were 36 million died. Funny, I don't recall a nationwide lock down due to HIV, and it's one we’re still battling.
The freak-outs want you to instead focus on the 94% who died with a plethora of comorbidity conditions. Some of the most common ones mentioned in various covid studies include:
Influenza, pneumonia, hypertensive diseases, hear disease, cardiac arrest, heart failure, diabetes, alzheimers, and so on.
Around the country there have been cases of car and motorcycle crash victims who died on the scene whom also tested positive for COVID. Their deaths were "wrongfully" recorded as COVID-19.
OK, Look. Dying WITH COVID-19 is not the same as dying FROM COVID-19. Only 6% died FROM COVID-19 exclusively. The other 94% died WITH COVID-19. There is a DIFFERENCE!
A recent study concluded that People under 65 years old have very small risks of COVID-19 death even in the hotbeds of the pandemic and deaths for people under 65 years without underlying predisposing conditions are remarkably uncommon. Strategies focusing specifically on protecting high-risk elderly individuals should be considered in managing the pandemic.
The WHO further stated that older people are at highest risk: over 95% of deaths occurred in those over 60 years. More than 50% of all deaths were people over 80 years or older.
Even more ridiculous is the hype over the Delta variant.
While Delta is more transmissible, it is less lethal than previous variants, despite media scare stories.
The only pandemic we face right now is our current administration. This has become a political pandemic, and I for one believe it's time for American public to push back and exercise some civil disobedience.
And Joe, for the record, you might want to spend a less time looking after our health, and a little more on your own health cause you seem a bit weak. And while your resting, pick up a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you might learn a thing or two ... just saying.
REF https://www.cebm.net/covid...