If you went to bed at a sane hour on election night 2020, Donald Trump still had large leads in three key swing states across America’s Rust Belt – Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.
By the time you woke up, those leads had mostly evaporated. How is that possible? President Trump was way ahead in all three states. Where did such a massive swing towards Mr Biden come from? This video gives me pause and a reminder on how far the left will go to win at any cost, and why we must insist on voter id, and demand an end to drop boxes and ballot harvesting.
#2000 Mules

2000 Mules | FULL DOCUMENTARY | Patriot News Outlet
Dinesh D'Souzas', 2000 Mules the Movie Patriot News Outlet now broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Watch with us, Chat with us live! ★ SUPPORT PATRIOT NEWS OUTLET Switch To America! It’s time for All Patriots To Stand Up, Take Action, And Take Our Control Back! ➡️ https://Swit..
https://tv.gab.com/watch?v=627736be6b2530a3c8c29175NYC Mayor Eric Adams gives us a few hints on where their mindset is regarding meat and dairy. Ready for a veggie and bug diet?

Street preacher threatened with jail time after citing Bible verses against local Oklahoma LGBTQ organization | Fox News
Pastor Rich Penkoski is appealing to the Oklahoma Supreme Court after he was issued a five-year restraining order that he says prohibits him from publicly opposing a local LGBTQ group.
https://www.foxnews.com/us/street-preacher-rich-penkoski-threatened-jail-time-citing-bible-verses-oklahoma-lgbtq-organizationHis departure appears to be due to the recently settled lawsuit between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems were Dominion sued Fox over claims that their voting machines flipped votes in the 2020 election. (Despite a government CISA.gov report that these voting machines have serious vulnerabilities showing that they can be easily hacked and/or manipulated. - https://www.cisa.gov/news-...
Tucker, if you ever see this post, please know your always welcome on YacYak! #Tucker Carlson #Fox News #Dominion Voting

Sen. Ron Johnson confronts HHS secretary about redacted Fauci emails on COVID-19 origins | Fox News
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra sparred over redacted emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci during a Senate Finance Committee hearing.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ron-johnson-confronts-hhs-secretary-redacted-fauci-emails-covid-19-originsWhat would Trump be getting arrested for?
This goes back to an alleged illegal campaign contribution being used as a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels one month before the 2016 election.
In contrast, everyone is seeing what is playing out within the Biden family and their alleged corruption schemes that put millions in their pockets.
Sadly, politics is becoming downright dangerous, not only for those involved, but for the country as a whole.
Can you sense the fight between good and evil yet?
Finally, the video of what really happened that day has finally been released. They were desperate to gain power, desperate to finally get Trump, and desperate to paint good, hardworking, patriotic, God loving Americans as racist, fasict, Maga insurrectionists, who are a threat to Democracy.
Sadly, many bought into this narrative. Learn the. truth!

LIVE: President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC
President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on March 3rd, 2023. VOLUNTEER: www.DonaldJTrump.com/JOIN Text TRUMP to 88022
Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023 in Washington | NTD
The 2023 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is taking place in Washington from March 1 to March 4. The conference is the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world. Former President Donald Trump will give a speech on March 4 as the keynote speaker. Featured spe..

Behind Biden
New expose from Porter Stansberry
https://thetwomen.com/behind-biden-b?_ef_transaction_id=0938b7231a3c400e8f6fd6bd75f445bfMany borrowers enrolled in the proposed income-driven repayment plan won't end up paying back the full amount they borrowed, according to a Urban Institute report.
Researchers estimated that 78% of bachelor's degree recipients with a typical amount of student loan debt of $31,000 would end up paying less than the full amount they borrowed over the lifetime of the loans.
For the typical borrower who earned an associate degree, with $13,000 in debt, researchers found that 89% would pay off less than the full amount borrowed.
While the Biden administration estimated that the proposal would cost nearly $138 billion over 10 years, independent researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model said it would likely cost much more -- between $333 billion to $361 billion over a decade. Other models estimated the cost to be over $500 billion. (note the "B" for billion!)
This means that millions of hardworking American taxpayers that never attended a college or a university will be paying the tuition of others. Now how fair is that?
To defend the freedoms and values that make America great! To stand against government overreach, the radical Left, Woke ideology, and Big Tech.
We must fight to have the right - wherever we may be - to shine the light of Jesus upon our Earth - 2 Corinthians 4:6.
This sacred right has been under siege like never before.
During the pandemic, we saw Democrat politicians force our churches and synagogues to close while keeping abortion clinics and liquor stores open.
And, just this past year, we saw Coach Kennedy, a high school football coach, fired from his job for the simple act of praying on the football field.
We have also seen renewed pushes to take away many provisions provided to us in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And of course, who could forget the open borders, the attack on the blue, rising crime or the stagnant economy.
And this is just a extremely small fraction of what's going on all across our country. The problems we are facing only seem to grow.
When the American people face injustices like these, we must not give in, we must not waiver - instead, we must stand up for our rights and freedoms no matter the cost!
That’s why I’ve been working overtime to defend our rights, and I thank you for "speaking out" on YacYak
God Bless!
What Issues Matter Most to You in 2023?
It's becoming very clear that President Biden is giving China a pass at every turn. How can anyone at this point think anything except he's a compromised President? Despite the reports of millions of dollars he and his family received from China, it doesn't end there.
FIRST: Biden sat back while China bought up millions of acres of American farmland. Some adjacent to U.S. Military bases!
THEN: He sold thousands of barrels of oil from our strategic petroleum reserve to China One batch of oil, totaling 950,000 barrels, was sold on April 21 to Unipec America, a Houston-based, Chinese-owned company.
NOW: He’s allowing China to fly surveillance balloons across our country.
Every act of aggression that China makes towards our nation is met by an uncaring President who is happy to relinquish our sovereignty to the Communist party of China.
This kind of disregard for the safety of our nation is something I’ve never witnessed before.
#Biden #China