Good Day & God Bless--{continuing}-Once Donald Trump became president, "HIS" presidency temporarily STOPPED the "forces" destroying the country. Mrs. Clinton's stated goal was to continue the legacy of the political IN *SPIRIT "Antiochus Epiphanes IV"-aka--*Barack Obama. And so if she had become *president, the ruinous trends of the *Obama presidency would have continued & intensified. Many peoples believe it would have meant an end to our constitutional republic! One will see in these yacyak's that MR. Trump's presidency was actually ""prophesied"" in your *Bible. It was "only" his election that prevented even worse troubles from bringing this nation down even more quickly--& GOD was behind it! Also in these coming yacyak's i will reveal through scripture something else one may find stunning: that GOD has prophesies showing that Mr. Trump indeed will return to "POWER". Prophecy tells us what GOD thinks of the Biden presidency. But be biblically mindful for the bible also shows that what the next Trump administration accomplishes upon his return will prove to be "only" temporary deliverance for the *nation. Now one may ask why would GOD just allow a temporary resurgence for "HIS" people because they are not repenting of their many "sins"--""by reason of transgression"". in other words, the "sins" of the people gave & will still be giving *Satan his opening. god says we have forgotten how to *blush!--Jer.6v15, 8v12. Religion, where it is practiced, is about feel good self help
2 yr. ago