1 yr. ago
Can't believe the US Navy has used a drag queen to try to get new recruits! Simply amazing! I don't even recognize this country any more!!!!
1 yr. ago
Was so sorry to hear that Tucker Carlson is no longer with Fox News. He was my favorite cause he covered so many topics and didn't repeat himself so much. He had more new and up-to-date info about many subjects - moreso than some of the other hosts on Fox. Plus, he was not afraid to speak out.
1 yr. ago
I guess we saw history made today as former President Trump was indicted - first time in history this has ever happened. No real surprise since the Left has been trying to "get him" in every conceivable way. Hope this endeavor proves to be just as unsuccessful as the previous attempts have been. When will they ever learn?? They must be more than extremely fearful of him!!!!!
1 yr. ago (E)
Well, it will be interesting to see if former President Trump is arrested on Tuesday. Regardless of when it happens, it seems as if the Left is ready to attack him once again. Nothing new about that. How many times does this make anyway?? Hope they are just as unsuccessful this time as in the past. Guess we will just have to wait and see!
1 yr. ago
Been quite a day. Amazing how they sneaked Biden into Ukraine. Tkey must think we are all rich here. Another load of money going there!